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Black History Month

Each February Black History Month is celebrated in many different ways in the classroom and in homes as a time for Americans to focus on the history, culture, and contributions of one of America’s great minorities.

Here are a few activities to consider:

Conduct a read-aloud of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech,” first given in Detroit, Michigan. This famous speech carries a powerful message that reminds all of us of the America we want to be. Talk about the impacts the speech had on the consciousness of the country and the Civil Rights Movement.

Listen to the songs of the Civil Rights Movement. Some anthems of the Movement were songs like “Oh, Freedom” and “This Little Light of Mine.” Challenge students to write their own freedom song.

Visit the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan to learn about the performance arts, history, and heroes and enjoy many visual and hands-on activities celebrating the African American experience. Admission is free for children attending during the month of February with an adult.

Enjoy some soul food from the African-American culture, such as sweet potato pie, greens, and fried chicken. Food is a delicious way to connect to every culture and to learn the history that goes with it.

Visit the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit’s cultural center. The museum has extended hours for the month and features live presentations, family activities, and guest speakers. This is a time to recall the horrors of slavery and even walk through a slave ship facsimile.

Have a classroom and family discussion about what everyone did, what they saw, and what they learned during Black History Month.

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