Educators & Schools
The excellent reputation for achieving consistently successful results has earned Learning Disabilities Clinic the respect of many schools, colleges and universities.
LDC was AdvancEd/North Central Association (NCA) accredited as a Special Purpose School in 1999. In addition, in 2012, Michigan Department of Education certified LDC as an External Services Provider, allowing LDC to partner with schools in improvement.
LDC provides numerous programs to schools to enrich and develop their students. These include:
Special Education Contracting
Response to Intervention (RTI) Programs
Alternative Education for Special Needs Students
Title I and Title II programs
ACT Test Preparation
Remediation Programs
Acceleration Programs
Course Credit Recovery
Summer Programs
Professional Development
“In this course I have been able to expand my vocabulary by reading short passages with new words I didn’t know the meaning of before.”
“It is a privilege for students to have access to such an excellent program.”
“I view LDC not only as a clinic but as a stepping stone for the next level in my educational life at college.”
“LDC helped me identify my weaknesses as a student and learn ways to conquer them.”