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Avoid the Summer Slide

With summer in full swing, it’s difficult to think of school looming right on the horizon. However, with a

little work during the warmer months, students can better transition from year to year.

Students can lose the equivalent of one to two months of reading and math skills during the summer,

which is why teachers spend an average of four to eight weeks every fall reviewing and reteaching

material that students have forgotten. Workbooks and drills are the standard summer fare, but what

other options are there for those trying to prevent the dreaded summer slide?

1. “Turn Off” Time: Take an hour a day to turn off electronics and focus on reading. Check out your

local library’s summer reading program to challenge and reward young readers. Set attainable

reading goals for the summer, like improving vocabulary, reading speed, or reaching a new

reading level.

2. Keep Moving: Mental and physical health are linked, and letting one slide means the other

follows. Exercising for 20 minutes a day can improve your students information processing and

memory functions. Find outside activities that challenge the mind and broaden a student’s

horizons for a more robust and organic learning experience.

3. Practice Math: Practicing daily will keep math skills from getting rusty over the summer.

Challenge your student with real life math, like how much to leave for a tip or how quickly you’ll

get to a destination based on speed.

4. Participate in the community: Find free events or activities in your neighborhood and

participate! Learning to engage with the community around you is an important skill to learn

early on.

5. Focus on specific skills: For students, especially those with previously identified challenge areas,

connect with a tutor one-on- one not only to keep current knowledge sharp, but also to gain

confidence and even step ahead of fall classroom expectations.

Students who actively test their brains over the summer can see great strengthening and improvement in

scholastic skills, and avoid losing ground, all while still having time left over for summer fun.

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